Pure Grow Soil

Pure Grow Soil

We produce pure organic worm casting.Organic and Biodynamic Blended Soils. We can mix yours or ours to your specifications in bulk. We do not use someone elses products and repackage.

About Pure Grow Soil

PGS is located in Northern Arizona. Star Trails Ranch is the name of the 40 acres where Pure Grow Soil lives.

This property has remained untouched for thousands of years and today is still the same other than the PGS operation.

PGS is a green company using alternative energy for its needs. Many of our processes are still done by hand and electrical needs are handled by solar. All our water is well water and then purified using a distillation.

Pure Grow Soil has always shared our knowledge with others and do not believe that teaching others how to grow and feed themselves should cost them any money especially for children.

PGS was formed out of necessity due to the extreme soil conditions found in Arizona. We have everything from sand dunes to Pine forests. From the Yuma desert to Flagstaff Four Corners.

 With it's amazing diverse landscape and terrain that can present many challenges to those who want to grow anything.

Water conservation in our state is very important as well in all of our states. In Arizona we have one of the top universities, ASU where people from all over the world come to learn and share water conservation techniques, water catchment systems, grey-water systems and more.

Soil conditions can range from sandy loamy, red clay to rich forest humus and multiple combinations of all and then in some areas throw in volcanic rock, salts and more rock and one wonders how we grow anything at all.

Yet we have everything from vineyards to thousands of acres in farm lands

Then let’s talk temperatures. A crazy 116 degrees even at night to below 0 during winter months. We also have Monsoons just to add in another variable that can ruin crops. The water can pound down so hard here that it stops traffic.

PGS has been involved in soil reconstruction to breathe new life into soils found here. High water retention and the NON use of chemicals are at the front of our efforts.

The owner came from a farming and livestock background with many years of working the soil from California, Missouri and Arizona.

As a young boy he worked beside others to spread hay across the California aqueduct that brought water to many areas. Worked in orange, avocado orchards and milk farms cultivating hay, alfalfa, sedan so you name it, he spent many of his early years as a ranch hand and farmer.

He learned organic gardening from his mother a California prune picker, an enduring term for those who worked hard and felt good about working and respecting the land.

Pure Grow Soils represents decades of experience and even though he has no credentials to speak of many people have sought this senior’s knowledge and love of the planet as a living being.

His wife and co-founder of PGS came from a coal mining town in Pennsylvania called Rowes Run PA.

Her early childhood growing up in a very humble environment was gifted with the respect for health and well being from those around her that made every resource count. From caning to gardening it was essential in order to make ends meet. Her family and the other miners who worked in the coal mines, toiled to provide for their families and suffered greatly in those early days of coal mining.

Her early memories of eating produce right from the bushels on the porch and working beside her grandmother were the highlights of the days of very lean and meager meals. It is this background that inspires her to provide education to others and their children so they may never have to go hungry.

Please take a look at what we have been doing during this winter when most people have stopped working with regards to plants and soils we have been very busy expanding our operations. PGS is proud of our new 30 by 52 foot steel building that houses our new soil mixing operations. Our new building is a labor of love as it took an amazing effort to bring all the materials to the site and hand pour our foundations and concrete flooring. Erecting the steel building with guy wires and straps looked like an engineering feat that was planned by the Egyptians !