PSICO2 Extraction Systems

PSICO2 Extraction Systems

PSIC02 Extraction Systems made specifically for cannabis; producing concentrate that requires no additional processing and leaves pesticides behind. Easy to reload with no downtime.

About PSICO2 Extraction Systems

From the Great Northwest, Matthias has worked closely with those building the industry. From his first work in the industry, he found a natural groove that has turned into a road of innovation he could have never imagined. He began looking at Supercritical CO2 extractors and started the process of research and development for a more efficient design. After years of experiment and computational analysis Paradigm Supercritical Innovation was founded, ensuring the Patented innovation would be accessible to those with  their roots in the community.

“I recognize this is more than just business, it’s about bringing a new economy. I want to keep the industry in good hands, and it starts with making a platform of reasonable price points that people can afford.”

PSICO2™ Extraction Systems carries this mission. Our unique PSICO2™ systems make CO2 extraction practical. If you have the supercritical CO2 extraction fever, we want to help you fulfill your goals.