Prime Sunshine CBD

Prime Sunshine CBD

The founder of PRIME SUNSHINE™ experienced significant healing from health conditions she struggled with in her in her daily life which included anxiety, pain and depression. Once she switched from a European isolate based hemp product to a full-spectrum hemp extract grown outdoors, she slowly was able to wean off several prescription drugs. The Israeli Ministry of Health has tested hemp and THC at various rations to treat PTSD. They currently have a successful program at Abarbanel Hospital in Israel where cannabis is used to treat PTSD. She found this on her own with her own personal use of hemp.

About Prime Sunshine CBD

Quality and science are at the forefront of OUR mission, so reliability is critical to our success. PRIME SUNSHINE™ cultivars include in-house developers, scientists, farmers, operators, and botanists to ensure industry leading quality. All of our products are tested for safety and quality by independent laboratories and research scientists from around the world and local universities who create cutting-edge programs in: specialized genetics, agronomic practices, and our novel wholesale proprietary product formulations.
