The Oregon Industrial Hemp Farmers Association (OIHFA) is the leading authority driving pro-hemp legislation and rulemaking forward with Oregon's Agencies, Legislature and U.S. Congressional Delegation. The Association was founded on August 25, 2015 by Courtney N. Moran, LL.M. and hemp farmers Cliff Thomason and Jerry Norton. OIHFA is an Oregon non-profit comprised of registered hemp farmers, handlers, and industry stakeholders. Since formation, OIHFA has successfully passed three landmark pieces of legislation-HB 4089 (April 13, 2018), SB 1015 (June 29, 2017), and HB 4060 (March 29, 2016)-establishing the cornerstones of Oregon's agricultural hemp program.
Our mission is to advocate for forward-thinking policy that protects hemp agricultural interests and provides for the growth of sustainable hemp agribusiness in Oregon.