O2 Grow

O2 Grow

O2 Grow, a division of the Oxygen Research Group LLC, is the exclusive worldwide licensee for patented technology that significantly increases the level of dissolved oxygen in water.
Cultivation Equipment

About O2 Grow

Bubblers and venturis are inefficient at raising the dissolved oxygen level (ppm) in water. In addition, this process will actually raise the water temperature to match the surrounding air. Bubblers and venturis simply "blow" air through the water. The O2Grow patented technology elevates the dissolved oxygen levels 50% more than bubblers through electrolysis without increasing the temperature of your water. The O2Grow technology actually "manufactures" 100% pure oxygen.

It's well documented that oxygen is needed to help balance pH, prevent root disease and ultimately increase yield. Additionally, oxygen is a vital component when brewing compost teas. Increased oxygen to the root zone has shown to increase the speed of plant growth, size of the root ball, number and size of flowers, and nutrient uptake.

Features O2 Grow

What Makes O2 Grow Special?

The patented nano bubble technology behind O2 Grow allows you to maximize oxygen supplementation through a process known as electrolysis. O2 Grow works by taking advantage of the electrolysis cycle at a molecular level, separating the oxygen from hydrogen when electric current passes through an ion-containing solution or a liquid, such as water.

As an air stone alternative, O2 Grow helps increase your nutrient uptake by delivering 50% more dissolved oxygen than traditional air stones. In fact, O2 Grow's products can increase oxygen saturation for indoor and outdoor growing methods such as: deep water culture, drain to waste or surface watering.

Nourish Roots with Less Energy

Water in closed reservoirs typically lacks the necessary oxygen to provide the roots enough nourishment to grow plants. Air stones and oxygen bubblers try to solve this problem but involve many moving parts, noisy operation and high wattage. 
Alternatively, the O2 Grow products use only a few watts of power per hour while safely delivering pure oxygen into the reservoir with electricity, which in an energy-efficient age is essential. This process is superior to using air stones since you get more oxygen with no motors and no moving parts that could potentially go awry.

In addition to being more energy-efficient, O2 Grow delivers more dissolved oxygen, increases your yields, activates beneficial microbes, and improves the uptake of critical nutrients to the root structure.

Why Should I Choose O2 Grow?

O2 Grow is dedicated to providing affordable oxygen alternatives to air stones or bubblers that save you energy, increase yields, and deliver more nutrients to your crop's roots. with minimal maintenance and low energy consumption.

O2 Grow's products, with Solid State Technology, will last thousands of hours. You can check out O2 Grow's prices here or contact O2 Grow today to get started!