

Through access to an unmatched network of cannabis industry leaders, reporters, reviewers, and social media influencers, NisonCo is rated as a top cannabis pr company who can get and keep your company in the news. We have developed over 3,000 active relationships with reporters and reviewers who cover cannabis from nearly every major outlet across the country. Our team of over 15 employees is passionate about maintaining a positive image for the industry and our hyper-attentive approach generates fast results.
Business Services
Creative / Marketing

About NisonCo

Public relations is about more than just generating media coverage. It is about generating the right kinds of media coverage in the right places. NisonCo works with cannabis industry leaders to develop a customized approach to public relations that will focus on generating media coverage in the outlets that reach the audiences they need to reach. With a proprietary database of over 10,000 reporters working for everything from local newspapers to national TV, NisonCo helps cannabis industry leaders find the right outlets and reporters that align with their strategic goals and objectives.

Through strategic public relations and access to an unmatched network, NisonCo helps position cannabis industry players as experts and thought leader. NisonCo also helps to identify and to secure speaking engagements at premier conferences and industry events and provide assistance in applying for awards.


Lucas Wentworth
reporter relationship manager
Drew White
client manager
Michelle Yang
administration manager
Tori Gates
operations manager
Liel Klein
client and social media manager
Brian Sonenstein
technology and email distribution manager
founder and owner
Beth Adan
client and email marketing manager
client manager
Rich DiGregorio
client manager