Netwatch USA

Netwatch USA

We offer a turn-key 24/7/365 remote visual monitoring / live response security service that deters criminal activity and meets the Canna-industry’s most stringent regulatory requirements for security.

About Netwatch USA

Netwatch deploys the most advanced protection technologies including GPS tracking, audio visual detection, personal protector equipment and wireless perimeter security cordons to protect individuals and premises. Intervention Specialists at the Netwatch Communications Hub direct operations remotely and intervene as soon as a security cordon is breached alerting the intruders to the fact that they are being watched and that the police have been informed.

Corporate Social Responsibility:

As a company, Netwatch believe strongly in corporate social responsibility and this belief is echoed through our dealings with our customers, employees, contractors, suppliers and even with the environment. For us at Netwatch, our success is measured by more than just the achievement of financial targets; we acknowledge our responsibility for the social impact we have on communities in which we operate. The positive impact Netwatch can have on our client’s lives, the communities we work in and our environment is as important to our long-term success as any financial achievement.

 Our Customers:

We are extremely fortunate to have an intimate relationship with each of our customers. As a result we receive quality feedback which allows us to shape and fashion our services for individual client requirements. This means we are constantly redefining and adapting our services in order to develop more intelligent and effective security solutions and lead the way with rapidly evolving emerging technologies.

Features Netwatch USA

Advanced Security System
Remote Visual Monitoring 
CCTV Remote Monitoring
Perimeter Protection
Access Control
ANPR - Licence Plate Recognition


David Walsh
Niall Kelly
Wendy Hamilton
Declan McGrane