Myriams Hope Hemp

Myriams Hope Hemp

Myriams Hope Hemp offers hemp-derived CBD products via its online shop.
Hemp Products

About Myriams Hope Hemp

In 2013, our mother, Myriam, was diagnosed with a glioblastoma brain tumor, a disease that killed 90% of people within five years.Our relentless pursuit to save her life led us to cannabis.

Information at the time was limited, but what we found was promising. With guidance from cannabis groups on Facebook and a few YouTube videos, we figured out how to make healing cannabis oils for our mom.

Almost immediately after her diagnosis, our mom lost her ability to speak, her memory worsened, and she started losing control of the entire right side of her body. A combined treatment of chemotherapy and our oils made a remarkable difference—our mom almost seemed like her normal self. And that improvement persisted.

We actively shared our mom’s story on social media, and it gave hope to many. People wanted the oils for their ailing loved ones, but oils were hard to come by and expensive at that time. As we got more and more requests to make them for those in need, we realized what we needed to do.

We created Myriam’s Hope in 2013 to give everyone affordable access to the caliber of oils that helped improve our mom’s quality of life during her illness and gave us hope when we needed it the most.



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Hours (PST)

10:00 - 18:00

Closed now

10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
9:00 - 0:00