

Cannabis & Marijuana banking, websites, equipt. financing
Banking & Payment Processing

About MyPotGuru is actually a Team of 5. Our “Guru” has 12 years experience as a grower in Northern Calif. Additionally, we have SERIOUS legal, cannabis retail, movie and Internet/social media expertise.

We’re on an exploration to learn, to be of service, to educate, and to participate in enabling the benefits of cannabis to change the lives of patients, recreation and entrepreneurs.

We are A TEAM of professionals focused on the cannabis space.

And no, we’re not your typical “rookies” jumping into the cannabis space! Our Team represents 60+ years of “in the trenches” collaborative experience [Yeah, a couple of us are old Dudes] with cannabis, Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Bank Secrecy (BSA) regulatory, compliance and banking expertise.

Our Team consists of 3 growers with 20+ years experience with outdoor and indoor cannabis growing.

A white collar criminal defense lawyer and nationally recognized anti-money laundering/Bank Secrecy Act regulatory and compliance expert with over 20 years of federal and state court trial and appellate experience

A Certified Anti Money Laundering Specialist, (CAMS)  past president of the Nevada Check Cashing Association and past director in FISCA with 25+ years of leadership in the Money Service Business (MSB) industry including check cashing, payday and title lending, wire transfers and pre-paid products.

Our go-to “Guru” for real-world cannabis grow indoor/outdoor expertise has “worked the dirt,” cleaned the pots, strung the lamps, monitored the ph… for 20+ years. His skills are unmatched and the stuff he does is simply amazing. Collaborate with and you gain access to his considerable knowledge base.

A leader in digital currencies including Bitcoin. Backed by Y-Combinator, as well as other Silicon Valley Based Investors, he brought several digital currency products to market in over 15 countries. Having established banking relationships, as well as distribution channels, he is well versed in cash management and security relative to the cannabis having operational hands on experience in that space as well as the digital currency space.