

The Marijuana Times is your medical cannabis news, science & culture website for breaking news and videos straight from the medical cannabis industry.

About Med-X

Med-X, Inc. is developing several divisions that will embark in the ever expanding medical and recreational Cannabis industry. The Management and Board of Directors of Med-X, Inc. have a results oriented attitude and knowledge base to continuously launch new platforms to support these rapidly emerging industry needs. The company is addressing these needs through the implementation of: Media Information Network Build out, Compound Identification and Extraction, Pharmacy Automation, Cultivation Supplies, and both Indoor and Outdoor Cultivation. The Company's knowledge and experience with R&D and Finance, coupled with its relationships in the Medical and Bio-Chemisty fields, gives the Company the ability to position itself as a long term player in the industry.

Cautionary Statements:
The discussions and information on this page may contain both historical and forward-looking statements. To the extent that the listed Offering Circular contains forward-looking statements regarding the financial condition, operating results, business prospects, or any other aspect of our business, please be advised that our actual financial condition, operating results, and business performance may differ materially from that projected or estimated by us in forward-looking statements. We have attempted to identify, in context, certain of the risk factors we currently believe may cause actual future experience and results to differ from our current expectations. The differences may be caused by a variety of risk factors, including but not limited to adverse economic conditions, lack of market acceptance of Cannabis and our Nature-Cide® products, inability to acquire farm property, inability to obtain legal permission to grow, supply and sell Cannabis, inability to sell Cannabis and our Nature-Cide® products, unrecoverable losses from theft, intense competition, including entry of new competitors, falling demand for Cannabis for medical or recreational use, adverse federal, state, and local government regulation, failure of new markets for Cannabis to become legal and available, contraction of the market for medical Cannabis in California, including the closing of medical Cannabis dispensaries due to government order, reduction of consumer demand, unexpected costs and operating deficits, lower sales and revenues than forecast, default on leases or other decline in the price of Cannabis products due to over-supply or for other reasons, indebtedness, loss of suppliers, loss of supply, loss of distribution and service contracts, price increases for capital, supplies and materials, inadequate capital, inability to raise capital or financing, failure to obtain customers, loss of customers and failure to obtain new customers, the risk of litigation and administrative proceedings involving us or our employees, loss of government licenses and permits or failure to obtain them, higher than anticipated labor costs, the possible acquisition of new businesses or products that result in operating losses or that do not perform as anticipated, resulting in unanticipated losses, the possible fluctuation and volatility of our operating results and financial condition, adverse publicity and news coverage, inability to carry out marketing and sales plans, loss of key executives, changes in interest rates, inflationary factors, and other specific risks that may be alluded to in this Offering Circular or in other reports issued us or third party publishers