is the first online search and booking platform that connects patients in need of medical marijuana with a network of medical marijuana physicians and medical cannabis clinics.

About Patients was founded as the trusted gateway for patients searching for medical marijuana treatment in legal medical marijuana states. We provide patients visibility and transparency in selecting a doctor and setting an appointment for a medical marijuana evaluation including detailed profile information, scheduling information, and ratings and reviews. We understand the uncertainty associated with the process and that medical marijuana is often the only effective treatment for many ailments for which traditional medicine provides little relief or is accompanied by uncomfortable and dangerous side effects. is dedicated to legitimizing the process for the booking and selection of medical marijuana doctors by standardizing the criteria and selection process for doctors allowed to join our trusted network of quality physicians.

We also focus on providing comprehensive scheduling and marketing services for doctors that are both already established medical marijuana physicians and those looking to expand their practices into alternative medicine.

Users of the site must be 18 years of age to use our appointment booking services. Additionally, the information provided on is designed to complement, not replace, the relationship between a patient and his/her own physician.