Mad Hatter Coffee & Tea Co.

Mad Hatter Coffee & Tea Co.

Cannabis infused COffee and Tea products, Organic, CO2 oil infused, Lab tested, a gourmet product. Good Kharma always tastes good.
Marijuana Infused Products

About Mad Hatter Coffee & Tea Co.

The Mad Hatter Coffee & Tea Co. has been alleviating pain since the late 80’s, it has since evolved and been refined…..we began with the idea to facilitate self medication without smoking Medical Marijuana.

It is known that both Coffee and Tea have beneficial side effects, we add a recipe of Organic herbs & spices that reflect our passion for alchemy, that are also known for their medicinal value, increasing blood circulation, endorphin reaction , countering the depressant characteristics of Medical Marijuana as well as enhancing Flavor and Aroma.

