Low Stress Training Products LLC

Low Stress Training Products LLC

We manufacture a reusable kit that facilatates the Low Stress Training technique quick and easy. All our products come with a lifetime warranty.

About Low Stress Training Products LLC

LST® Original
Developed for the standard 5-gallon bucket, the LST® Original is perfect for mid-size plants. It fits containers with a circumference of 22.5-36 in. The Original has 5 adjustable arms. Packs of 5 extra arms, which clip on to the LST band, are available in our store.
LST® Large
The LST® Large is perfect for a large yield with a limited number of plants. Fits containers with a circumference of 49-70 in. (8-35 gallons) and has 7 arms.

 Our interlocking modular design can work with any size container! Buckle two or more LST® Large kits together for 50+ gallon containers.


Joe Piskala