Lovewell Farms Co

Lovewell Farms Co

Both Asa and Mike have been long-time advocates of plant medicine, while especially being drawn to the many healing properties of the cannabis plant.

About Lovewell Farms Co

Over the last 10 years both have worked tirelessly to educate the public around legalization, while simultaneously influencing policy-makers to change their views. Both have spent time on hemp farms helping to cultivate the plant, getting to know it on a more personal level. When they started Lovewell Farms, it grew as a passion project out of their Rhode Island-licensed caregiver’s kitchen.

Knowing the full potential of the cannabis plant, the dream was to use CBD to help spread the healing power of the plant to reach as may people as possible. Our goal is to decentralize, deglobalize, and decolonize our markets by providing locally-grown, organic cannabis to our neighbors, replacing global markets with local ones, replacing synthetic medicines with natural ones, incarceration with rehabilitation, and teaching us all how to love well.

Cannabis has been loved as a healing medicine by human beings for our last five thousand years together on the planet. Over that time, it has been used to heal everything from menstrual cramps to post-traumatic stress. A wise eldress on our planet, the cannabis plant recently decided to emerge from its shadowy criminal past and return to its roots of healing. We as humans have turned to cannabis to heal ourselves for millenia, but now it is time for us to use the plant to help us heal the planet too.

Lovewell Farms uses the power of cannabis to help transform lives by incorporating a portion of our sales to organizations that ally with our commitments to criminal justice reform, veterans’ rights, and food sovereignty. On the farm, we understand that our ability to participate in this growing industry is a privilege, which is why we aim to use our resources to do something about the last vestiges of the War on Some Drugs--we commit to removing all prisoners convicted of cannabis offenses from prison.



Providence Rhode Island, United States
30 Mar 2019