Lilu's Garden

Lilu's Garden

Lilu’s Garden specializes in the production of CBD and other minor non psychoactive cannabinoid isolates and oils for use in a wide array of market segments including; Nutraceuticals, Food and Beverage, Pet Care, Specialty Products and Cosmetics. With offices in four states, nationwide farming and a 175,000 Sq. Ft. hemp derivatives production facility, Lilu’s Garden is the largest and most advanced vertical hemp operation in the world.
Hemp Products

About Lilu's Garden

Lilu’s Garden is the first company to produce hemp derivatives at scale. Its developed a breakthrough patent pending Aqueous Extraction system that eliminates the need to remove water from hemp in advance of processing. This innovation makes it possible for Lilu’s to meet the surging demand for hemp derivatives.

Lilu’s Garden has created a vertical business that takes production from seed to derivative sale at a staggering scale. Able to process more than 300,000 lbs. of hemp biomass a day, Lilu’s operates a multi-faceted operation that is led by some of the industry’s brightest minds. Research & Development has been the driving force and allowing the company to expand and scale into all facets of the industry, including genetics, nationally scaled agricultural operations, hyper-efficient proprietary aqueous based processing and wholesale B2B distribution.

Lilu’s Garden anticipates to produce and sell approximately 450,000 kilograms of CBD and other minor cannabinoid from current hemp stock will be sold in 2019. The company is therefore increasing its production 10 fold  by managing the farming of an unprecedented 75,000 acres of hemp production for the 2019 harvest, which will produce approximately 50,000,000 million lbs.+ of hemp and over 1,000,000 kilograms of Isolated CBD and other non-psychoactive cannabinoids to be sold in 2020.

Our mission is to effectively scale the processing of industrial hemp and its derivatives in the purest and most efficient ways to make those derivatives available to the producers that provide this extraordinary gift of natural health and healing to consumers worldwide.


Features Lilu's Garden

Water.  It’s so simple. Yet it’s complexities, as they relate to our industry, are so profound, they strain credulity. Understanding the magnitude of what Lilu’s Garden has accomplished requires a real look at two of the most difficult facets of the hemp industry; Hemp Farming and Hemp Derivative Processing.   The hemp industry is brand new and we haven’t yet begun to see all its potential. From plastics to medicine and all their potential revenues flowing back to the farmers that are in so desperate need.  The only problem is, or was, is Hemp!  Hemp, is hard to grow and much harder to grow, at scale. It requires a lot of handling, has unstable genetics, needs weeding, rogueing, watering, hand harvesting, drying, shucking and storing.  Just take the drying of the material for instance, you need 2% of the total acreage planted under roof to dry and shuck this material. So, if you planted 1000 acres you need a facility with the unencumbered square footage equal to or greater than 20 acres.  See the problem? Hemp, has historically hindered the production of hemp, until now.

The lack of mechanical farming and especially harvesting has been a considerable issue for our industry and has limited its ability to scale, until Lilu’s Garden developed the first of its kind water/aqueous extraction technology, then scaled it to be able to process the entirety of the 2018 US production of hemp biomass, by itself.  Why is that important?  Because you no longer need to dry the water out of material that is to be placed back in water.  The ramifications of this singular issue are immense.  While other companies are trying and failing to find reasonable facilities and manpower to harvest the old-fashioned way, Lilu’s and its farming partners across the country are able to simply harvest mechanically, bale the biomass wet directly on the field, schedule logistics and most importantly, the material is ready for processing.

There are a multitude of other benefits that Lilu’s scale and processes bring to the table.  While other companies are demanding only the highest potency of CBD biomass, greatly limiting their options of available hemp stock, we are not.  Other hemp processors have very limited processing power and are therefore forced to run only the highest potencies in an effort to maximize derivative output, Lilu’s can, simply put, process all of it.   Allowing for non-feminized seed production and lower potency CBD varieties greatly increases our farming partners chances of success, it keeps costs down and allows for the most important factor, SCALE!

Our journey to scale begins with Lilu’s founders and career entrepreneurs Thomas Guel and Charles Ciancanelli. Their ability to problem solve and pivot quickly as challenges presented themselves has enabled Lilu’s to build a team of highly qualified scientists, engineers and compliance managers ready to take production to unprecedented levels of scale, transparency and reliability.  How Lilu’s accomplished this starts at the very beginning.  In 2015, shortly after the formation of the company, Co-Owner Thomas Guel’s mom, was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor.  The tumor had wrapped itself around the main artery in her brain, had an appendage applying pressure to her optic nerve and was causing pressure on her pituitary gland.  Translation; acromegaly and all its symptoms, potential blindness and likely, followed by death. Not wanting to give up and seeking alternative medicines, Guel’s mother asked to try CBD.  Within 30 days of taking a heavy daily dose, all the symptoms were gone. Within 60 days, the tumor had completely disappeared.  Mr. Guel’s Mother had complete eradication of the tumor and all symptoms of the acromegaly were gone.  They remain gone to this day.

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