JMV Packaging

JMV Packaging

Automated labelers for ZipLock pouches and Cartons for any Cannabis related products. Apply stickers and BioTrack Codes automatically on THC and CBD products directly out of your network or existing infrastructure.
Containers / Bottles / Packaging

About JMV Packaging

We are your experts in packaging, cellophane wrapping and digital media labelling.

JMV Robotique & JMV Packaging, based in Germany, is part of ADR AG and a specialist in powerful yet cost-effective packaging, labelling and wrapping solutions. Our diverse assortment of automatic packaging, cellophane wrapping and labelling machines is known to drive down production costs for various key players across a plethora of industries such as optical media publishing (CDs, DVDs, Blu-rays), storage media (HDD, SSD, SD card labelling), gaming industry (case wrapping and labelling), coffee / seed / herb / candy pouches, cosmetics and pharmaceutical carton labeling, plastic card labelling (RFID / credit / phone / membership cards), event ticketing and lottery (holographic / scratch-off labels) among others…

Our flexible table-top packaging and labelling machines provide your products with a perfect retail ready finish that is sure to impress on any store shelf at a fraction of the cost of larger industrial machines.

Unlike shrink wrapping, the products packaged with JMV Robotique machines are perfectly folded and neatly sealed. The packaging machines from JMV Robotique are available as semi-automatic or fully automatic machines and offer a true alternative to energy-consuming shrink tube machines.