Jade Leaf Temple

Jade Leaf Temple

Jade Leaf Temple is a cannabis products company, but also provides testing services to growers, dispensaries and co-ops for quality control. We provide several active blogs on our website aimed at sharing knowledge of cannabis and its derivatives as an alternative medicine.

About Jade Leaf Temple

Jade Leaf Temple and others want to share all the knowledge we have access to about the wonderful medicine that is Cannabis Cannabiscan be smoked, made into cannabis oil, tinctures, salves, balms, many assorted edibles, and be juiced.  We are advocates for the legalization of Cannabis, for we believe in the medicinal properties of this plant!

There are many who still don’t know you can truly cure yourself or others of life threatening diseases like many different cancers, tumors, crohnes disease, siezures and more.  Learn to manage severe pain and get off addictive pain medicines!  Get your blood pressure back under control.  Get your metabolism back on track.   All with Cannabis!  I wish I could tell you it was a cure-all for everything, but it does have its limits as you will learn.  Check out the videos in our Video Gallery.  Read our Editorials and follow our news updates on Twitter!