Wow, what a great poem. As I see it there are two paths or choices before us today and we must be on one or the other. What am I talking about? Farming systems and their underlying paradigms. Industrialized agriculture seeks to apply the principles of the industrial revolution to farming. As a couple examples we see specialization and assembly line production as core principles in industrialized agriculture. While much good has come from industrialized agriculture such as the green revolution and cheaper food for the starving masses so has much harm. While industrialized agriculture started out as benign and even benevolent it has morphed into something all together different.
In reality industrialized agriculture has become Toxic Agriculture. How did this happen? The touchstone of biology was ignored. Instead of asking if new technology or practices were good for soil biology and plant, animal, and human health the primary question became one of profitability for agri-business suppliers. Biological agriculture, on the other hand seeks to work with biology and to increase it. This is the path less traveled. Biological agriculture seeks to produce food, fiber, and forage in a non-toxic environment with adequate nutritional support to grow a quality crop.