High There!

High There!

We are a social network, directory, and community bazaar. We welcome anyone who’s curious and excited to explore the fast-expanding world of cannabis and experience a new era in the company of like-minded enthusiasts, experts, and friends.
Public Relations

About High There!

High There! is the new and fun way for connecting to share experiences with like-minded people near you. As you're clicking (or swiping) to connect, you're telling people what you're in the mood for and what kind of "High There!" you are? Make sure to use the 420 characters in "My Story" to write a bit about yourself and why you are using this app.

Keep track of your connections in the chat feature and invite your friends who also want to engage in shared experiences within a non-judgmental environment. Regardless of where you live, you can say High There! to date, go out with new friends, or simply connect with people who are like you. As we say, “You've got more friends than you think.”


Q Capitol

Participation in events