High Sobriety

High Sobriety

High Sobriety is a substance abuse treatment center that uses a revolutionary cannabis inclusive program. High Sobriety is the first of it’s kind and recognizes cannabis’s medical benefits in reducing the harm of lethal dose drugs like opiates, amphetamines, etc.

About High Sobriety

At High Sobriety, our first and foremost goal is to eliminate the risk of death from drug use. Cocaine, heroin, meth amphetamine, pharmaceuticals, and other street drugs all have a lethal dose. Leading the death toll, killing more than all others combined, is alcohol. Cannabis has no known lethal dose. The simple truth is eliminating drugs with a lethal dose and using a drug with no lethal dose is a massive improvement, life improving, and life saving.


Dr. Sherry Yafai
Director of Research & Development