Henry's Original

Henry's Original

Mendocino County Where Cannabis Was Born

About Henry's Original

Ours is a simple, timeworn tale.  It's a story about freedom.

Our country was founded by a few brave men and women who sought freedom above all else.  Fast forward two hundred years later to the cannabis revolution, and another band of rebels was chasing freedom in a different form. 

In the 1960s and 1970s, hundreds of freedom seekers flocked to the Emerald Triangle in Northern California to pursue a life closer to nature. A life of simplicity and harmony with their environment. A life that reflected their beliefs that they should be free to do as they please.

They were considered mavericks, rebels, wayward sons and daughters. We know them as the Originals.  Henry was one of them. 

Like the pioneers before us, we stand for the same belief: people should be free to do what they want.

We’re farmers descended from farmers who know the land and know our crop. We came of age in the heartland of cannabis heritage—wild, rugged Mendocino County. Where the air is crisp and nature abounds in all her raw, jagged glory.

Through years of experience, we've learned how cannabis was meant to be grown, and that’s how we grow it. Nothing more, nothing less.

We're born and bred Californians who believe that our friends, and neighbors should have access to the highest-quality cannabis should they want or need it.  

We champion the game-changers and history makers. With Henry's Original, we pay homage to those who walked the walk and fought the good fight before usin all the revolutions.

Go forth and do as you please. Revel in your freedom. We’ll support your journey with the finest cannabis in the land.



Mendocino California, United States
06 Jun 2019