At Hashstoria, we believe you should have access to the best Oregon has to offer. That's why we scour the state, from Medford to Eastern Oregon, and source only the best extracts, concentrates, edibles, buds and other products from award winning and highly respected growers and processors across the state.
First-Time PatientsWe're proud to have the friendliest - and most knowledgeable - budtenders on the North Coast! Hashstoria is Under the Megler Bridge in Astoria. AnnouncementTERPY TUESDAY: Come in on Tuesday and get 10% off any shatter, oil or carts. TWISTER THURSDAY - $2/g Pre-Rolls (strain varies) or 10% off any other pre roll. Now open until 10 and accepting will-call orders! Discounts for Vets and Senior Citizens, too!
ADA AccessibleYes
Online OrderYes
Store FrontYes
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