Hanser & Associates

Hanser & Associates

We're a full service public relations firm with a focus on healthcare, finance and agriculture and offices in all 50 states. We're great at media relations, crisis communication and digital marketing.
SEO & Social Media
Advertising Agencies

About Hanser & Associates


IPREX is a global PR network of leading, independent firms in major markets worldwide, expanding our service and expertise to over 115 offices and 1,800 staff worldwide. IPREX was founded in 1983, and Hanser & Associates is the only Iowa office. Visit iprex.com for more information.
PR Council

The trade association (formerly named Council of Public Relations Firms) is comprised of America’s 100 leading public relations firms. Members abide by the world’s highest standards of practice, with unwavering commitment to honesty, transparency, authenticity and accountability. Hanser & Associates has been a member since 2001. Visit www.prfirms.org for more info.
Word of Mouth Marketing Association

Official trade association for the word of mouth marketing industry. The firm has been a member since 2005. Visit www.womma.org for more info.
Public Relations Society of America

PRSA is the world’s largest organization for PR professionals. Since 1989 senior PR professionals at the firm have been APR-accredited by PRSA; since 1996 our president has been a member of PRSA’s Counselors Academy, the prestigious group of senior counselors at PR firms with the resources to help their clients grow. Visit www.prsa.org for more info.


8:00 - 17:00

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8:00 - 17:00
8:00 - 17:00
8:00 - 17:00
8:00 - 17:00