

A company of the Spieß Netzwerk GmbH "Our pictures are our memories, because we experience them every day." The rebirth of the most important crop plant of our planet requires loyal friends who spend little of their lifetime to bring this great hemp plant back to life again.
Hemp Products

About Hanfbörse

Hemp is the resource of the future! 100% usage

Hemp can do it all - car industry needs moulded parts, paper industry needs fibre and construction and furniture industry needs substitutes for wood.
Pet food, cosmetics, oil and so much more out of one plant.

Hemp does not require much to grow. It is very robust, has a high yield and convinces everyone with maximum quality - unreached by every other renewable resources.

Hanfbörse, a company of the Spieß Netzwerk GmbH, pursues the dream of a hemp based life.

That means to identify all possibilites and leverage them to give the hemp plant the importance within our society it deserves and received for centuries.

We invite you to join our journey!
Green love, your Hanfbörse team