teaches growers how to successfully grow and harvest cannabis indoors. Founded in April 2010, the website provides tutorials, information and resources about how to grow cannabis for medical marijuana patients and adult consumers. Resources on the website include hundreds of pages of information, tutorials, videos, and step-by-step guides. sponsors an interactive growing community on Google+ where growers can publish pictures and ask questions from other experienced growers. The co-owners of publish a weekly cannabis growing inbox magazine, which has been delivering a new growing article by email every Sunday morning since April 2012.
Public Relations

About was founded in 2010 by growers Nebula Haze and Sirius Fourside as an online cannabis cultivation resource to teach beginners how to grow cannabis at home. Using their combined 21 years of growing experience, they’ve reached over 32 million readers on the website and helped thousands of growers through personalized coaching and consulting. Articles from have been published in print and online, and the website has been featured on Business Insider and in Skunk Magazine



Nebula Haze
Cannabis Cultivation Expert - Featured on Business...