Promoting awareness of the benefits of the hemp seed oil products.
Hemp Products


I was approached many a times by Maree whom represents G.R.E.E.N Hemp Australia to give the healing balm a go when I was diagnosed with lip cancer, I was booked in to have half of my bottom lip removed and also skin from my face.
After much scepticism I started using the balm initially given to me from Maree to try, the results that occurred are unbelievable! Long story short I did not end up requiring my surgery and have been left with new skin, I use the healing balm everyday as my routine and will never turn back, My wife has also had success upon using this balm.
Thank you so much Graham H ~ Aratapu NEW ZEALAND For many years I have suffered from lesions on my arms. The treatment was to have them burnt off at the doctors surgery but there were so many, that it would have to be continuous treatments and the time, not to mention the doctor's fees, was prohibitive.
Then I was told about G.R.E.E.N HEMP HEALING BALM and started to use it, the difference is amazing.
My arms are now so much smoother and the lesions can now be peeled off.
Until I found this balm, my arms were so badly affected and rough that I had resorted to using medium grade sand paper to smooth the skin and remove the lesions.
My wife and I have found it useful for many things including insect bites, burns, cuts and abrasions.
Our agents Zane & Maree are very helpful and endeavour to get our order to us as soon as possible and are always available on the phone.
I am so pleased that I found out about this balm.
P.E JONES ( Chum ) Ruawai NEW ZEALAND My name is Ray Clements. About 2 months ago Zane saw me at his friends place. My face was covered in Skin Cancer Scars a total of 16 by number, he told me he had a HEMP HEALING BALM that could possibly help me. I have put it on them daily. What it's done is hard to believe. I now have only 4 really bad ones left which I have been told by my doctor to have those ones removed by nitrogen to burn them off. With my results I would recommend this product.
Yours Truly
Ray Clements ~ Kirikopuni NEW ZEALAND Myself & my partner have found the healing balm awesome on all wounds,
dry skin & scars.
My daughters partner had Tinea between his toes " everyday in either work boots or rugby boots " and NO amount of perscription cream from the doctors would heal it , the hemp healing balm got right on top of it within two days!
My oldest daughter used it for eczema and it heals every time.
My mother has used it for her psoriasis which has all healed up now, my work collegue uses it on his children's bumps & bruises.
Thanks Sharon ~ Whangarei NEW ZEALAND I discovered this product about a year ago and I find it soothes my psoriasis and keeps the flare-ups at bay while keeping my skin wonderfully moisturised all day. I highly recommend it as a life long psoriasis sufferer.
Thanks Ran ~ Auckland NEW ZEALAND G.R.E.E.N Hemp Healing Balm... I regulary use it for soothing my grandchildren's sores, scratches & rashes. I use it myself for dry & cracked even smells relaxing. I have tried alot of different remedies but value for money....I will stay with what I know has worked for the years that I have been using it!!!
Hemp Healing Balm.
Thanks Gina ~ Whangarei NEW ZEALAND As a concrete contractor for most of my life I ended up with severely cracked and extremely dry skin especially on my hands and my legs, to the point that I would end up filing the skin on my legs & most times the ointments I used were prescribed with no long term benefits.
I have been absolutely 100% sold on the healing balm as I now have no need to file my skin and for the first time in such a long time I now have supple hands without the rough deep cracks, this product is FAR THE BEST product I have ever came accross!
Thank you so much Mark F ~ Tatarariki NEW ZEALAND The hemp soap I used ( G.R.E.E.N Hemp Lemon Grass ) absolutely cleaned up the acne at the back of my neck after a couple of weeks of using it, I highly recommend it to ALL!.
ThanksWade J Dargaville NEW ZEALAND Best thing I have EVER used for my broken skin!
Thanks Bruce C ~ Dargaville NEW ZEALAND We absolutely love the products. I also have informed a couple of others on it and they are also pleased and are also pleased with the advice & the service we get. Elaine & Ken ~ Dargaville NEW ZEALAND Have had the soap as well as the Healing Balm, It works well for me!
Thanks Gary ~ Whangarei Northland NEW ZEALAND My husband has used this product with amazing success on his hands to control eczema like lesions.
Marion ~ Tangiteroria Northland NEW ZEALAND