Greenfield Naturals

Greenfield Naturals

Cutting edge, innovative water energization technologies. Increase yields, brix and bud quality, while reducing inputs for maximum profits. No filters, no electricity, no chemicals. 100% Natural

About Greenfield Naturals

Hi, my name is Gary Greenfield and even though I developed a fascination for water early in life, it wasn't until late in life that my fascination flourished into something more fruitful than I could have ever imagined.

My fascination with water remained dormant for many years until a friend shared with me how her mother was healed of cancer by a raw food diet. Her comment sparked within me, a fire of curiosity which has continually grown in intensity over the years, leading me into a world previously unknown to me and to most everyone else on earth!

What is this world I have found? It is the mysterious world of invisible energies in their natural state, ignored by academia and science and the water industry at large.

My passion for understanding the natural governing principles of water motivated me to travel all over the world meeting remarkable individuals, performing simple yet mind boggling experiments and observing nature work in ways that never cease to amaze and astound me.

There is a down side though to what I have learned and it is disheartening to say the least, for I now know that unless we change the way we treat our water, life on earth cannot continue.

But the upside is encouraging! Why? Because no matter where you live or how bad your water condition is, it can be fixed!

In making this statement, I must emphasise that this technology is only now beginning to emerge and there is so much more to learn and so many new ways in which this technology can be applied to make a tremendous contribution to putting the "vital life force" back into our water.


Gary Greenfield