

Cannabusiness consultants

About GreenAcre

GreenAcre is a Florida based cannabis consulting company with a rapidly growing clientele in the industry. GreenAcre consults on best industry practices, while also assisting their clients with business plans, license application assistance, federal and state compliance, providing resources for the design and build of the projects, every associated business document needed for the advancement of the clients’ business ventures, staffing solutions, and any other service the project demands.

GreenAcre also provides consulting services to government entities, to date, Belize and Guyana. From these government-sanctioned trips GreenAcre is making connections with other countries, such as Barbados, Mexico, and Chile. Due to the content delivered in their seminars to foreign government officials they are quickly gaining global recognition. In light of GreenAcre’s legal, cannabis and business aptitude, they qualify as quintessential cannabis consultants.


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