Green-Theory is proud to be the very first recreational marijuana dispensary in Bellevue, but we’re so much more than your average pot shop. We’re committed to delivering the quality products and peripherals that discerning, modern consumers expect, at competitive price points designed to meet every need.
We also value loyalty, which is why we’re pleased to boast one of the largest cannabis loyalty programs in Washington State. With a vast selection of recreational marijuana products, a friendly and knowledgeable staff, an attractive and welcoming retail space, and a strong dedication to providing not only superior products, but also a safe and consistent experience for every customer, Green-Theory is your friendly neighborhood spot for pot.
First-Time PatientsJoin our Green-Elite Loyalty Program (For Free) and receive 10% OFF your first purchase
Green-Theory offers a 20% discount to all valid WA state medical marijuana card holders. They also offer a competitive customer loyalty program called Green-Elite with over 28k members to date which saves you 10% on your first purchase as a member and up to 35% off marijuana purchases as you accrue points.
ADA AccessibleYes
Online OrderYes
Store FrontYes
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