Green Mountain Consulting

Green Mountain Consulting

Green Mountain Consulting helps MMJ businesses with their HR/labor law compliance as well as sustainable business practices such as leadership training, team building and culture development.
Management & Advisors

About Green Mountain Consulting

What We Do
Green Mountain Technology partners with companies shipping 4 million parcels or more annually. Our Parcel Spend Management solution combines our best in class parcel invoice audit and payment automation capabilities with the resources and business model to become a strategic extension of our customers’ resources tasked with managing their parcel spend. We help companies manage their parcel spend in a world class fashion on a sustained basis. Green Mountain Technology brings a view of the market, analytical tools, resource bandwidth, and parcel expertise companies would not possess as one large parcel shipper. We help large companies manage their parcel spend at a level they could not reach on their own. Efficiencies gained average in excess of 10% of overall parcel spend, net of our fees.

Why We Do It
Green Mountain Technology was founded in 1999 with the vision of providing a more sophisticated service offering for parcel invoice audit, visibility and payment processing. It soon became apparent that the reason our customers were seeking greater detail and visibility in their parcel audit and reporting capabilities was to better manage their parcel spend. Our management reporting was full of great “nuggets” for our customers to more efficiently manage the dollars spent with their parcel carriers, but few had the resources, expertise, or tools to effectively leverage the tremendous amount of data to aggressively go after these dollars. Our customers were asking us to help them identify and understand the opportunities within their parcel networks and shipping activity. They wanted our people to not only push these opportunities to them, but also help them prioritize, and strategize on how to best realize them. It was at this point in our evolution that the need for a service provider and business model different than anything we had seen in the marketplace became very apparent. GMT embarked on carefully crafting a strategic service to complement our best-in-class tactical parcel audit, visibility, and payment automation offering. We recruited parcel industry experts to help our customers pursue the opportunities in managing their parcel spend at the micro level. Today, our customers leverage the unique expertise, tools, analytical bandwidth and unique view of the mega volume parcel shipper market that Green Mountain Technology brings to the table. The return for engaging our powerful combination of tactical and strategic services, which we call our Parcel Spend Management solution, consistently amounts to 10 – 30 percent of our customers’ total parcel spend.

How We Do It
Green Mountain Technology provides the most comprehensive parcel spend management solution available in the marketplace, possessing a unique and powerful blend of technology and intellectual property. However, it is how we engage with our customers to deliver our parcel spend management solution that is the biggest difference maker. GMT has built a scalable business model to become a strategic and tactical extension of the resources our customers have dedicated to managing their parcel spend. We work hand in hand, week in and week out with these resources to take their efforts in parcel spend management from the macro level to the micro level. We only target the largest parcel shippers by design, as these shippers uniquely possess the volume and complexity within their parcel networks to need the type of support GMT delivers in our parcel spend management solution. When you combine our unique service offering and our business model for delivering it, with a company committed to doing the “right thing” as a foundation for long term customer relationships, you truly have in Green Mountain Technology, the perfect partner to help your company manage your parcel spend at the highest level.


Craig Russell
Jim Jacobs
Chris Carr
Mike Lambert