Fractal Water

Fractal Water

The Fractal Water Super Imploder for Hydroponics and Agriculture increases plant yield by up to 60% and reduces water use by up to 40% Amazing results!

About Fractal Water

Fractal Water is proud to offer Vortex and Magnetic systems to farmers. Our Super Imploder is proven to reduce water consumption by up to 20%, while boosting crop yields by as much as 35%. Magnetic water is water that has been passed through a magnetic field. Magnetic water treatment devices are environmentally friendly, with low installation costs and no energy requirements. Magnetic water is used to increase crop yield, induce seed germination and benefit the health of livestock. We are here to help you take advantage of this technology that is designed to condition your water.

Are you familiar with structured or magnetic water? You may have heard about salt-less water systems for the home and water systems designed structure or vortex water.

Here is a quick overview of these 2 technologies.

Vortex Water – Water that is “spun” in a spiral to simulate flowing water so that molecules are moving faster as opposed to water that is stagnent and molecules are not moving as fast.

Magnetic Water – Water that is passed through a magnetic field to influence the water molecules spatial orientation.

What the Super Imploder does is 1,Vortex water so that very large clusters of water molecules are broken down to smaller cluster groups, this allows for the natural minerals in water such as calcium and magnesium to more easily bond with water. Secondly the vortexed water is then passed through an array of 8 power magnets to further de-cluster the water molecules and properly arrange and sort them.

Your water is now more bio-available to plants. You can use less water to water your lawn and garden because more water can be absorbed because of the de-clustering of water molecules. A 30% reduction in water used to typical.