Food Technical Consulting

Food Technical Consulting

Provide new product innovation, QA, Food Safety, Expert Witness, and technology solutions. I have PhD in Food Science
Management & Advisors

About Food Technical Consulting

Food Technical Consulting (FTC) offers world class consulting to the Food & Beverage industry on an international scope in six main areas:

Food Product Technology Innovation
Integrated Food Safety and Quality Assurance Systems
Integrated Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management IT Systems
Executive Level Business Process and Performance Consulting
Food and Beverage Expert Legal Witness
Food and Beverage Education, Training, & Certification Workshops
Our mission is to create innovative food & beverage technology solutions that provide our clients a cost-effective, competitive edge in their market place. We have a history of innovative food and technology solutions that our clients continue to benefit from 20 years later. We bring proven expertise from a wide variety of R&D, QA, food manufacturing, and supply chain management experiences to bear on every technology solution opportunity.

More specifically, Food Technical Consulting provides targeted consulting in the following twelve areas:

Product Innovation, Commercialization, & Technical Troubleshooting.
Foodservice Equipment Innovation, Selection, and Testing.
QSR Store Operations Performance Optimization.
Food Safety/Quality Control System Risk Assessments & Technology Selection.
Product Recall Crisis Management Services.
Integrated MES Real-Time Manufacturing Performance Management Assessments & Technology Selection.
Supply Chain Management Assessments & Technology Selection.
Expert Legal Witness Consulting.
Executive Business Consulting and Interim Manager Placement.
Education, Training, & Certification Seminars.
Software Selection & Integration Services.
International Food & Beverage Sales and Marketing.


Dr. Darrel Suderman