EZ Document Preparation

EZ Document Preparation

We help people with the paperwork they need to start their own Storefront, Delivery, Grow, Edibles, Concentrate, etc...businesses.
Lawyer / Legal Services

About EZ Document Preparation

As you know, or should know, California went into State Licensing effective Jan 1, 2018. However, you still have some time left to operate as a Collective. The law states:

SB 420 COLLECTIVE DEFENSE SUNSET The provision in SB 420 affording legal protection to patient collectives and cooperatives, HSC 11362.775, shall sunset one year after the Bureau posts a notice on its website that licenses have commenced being issued. After that date, all cannabis collectives will have to be licensed, except for individual patient and caregiver gardens serving no more than five patients.

What this means is that you have until approximately the end of this year to get a permit from a city and/or county, so that you can beging the process of applying for State Licensing. If you do not have those things in place by the end of this year, you will have to shut down.

This is the way the process works. You have to get your City/County Permits or Approval first, and then you can apply for State Licensing.

So, if your city/county isn't quite ready to allow Marijuana business at this time, this gives you time to wait for them to act, or time for you to find a city in which you can get your permits. It also gives you time to operate as a collective for now, so that you can save up for some of those costly Permit and License Fees.


9:00 - 16:00
9:00 - 16:00
9:00 - 16:00
9:00 - 16:00
9:00 - 16:00

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