

At EUROMEX GREENHOUSES we are a group of manufacturers, specialists in agricultural production, which allows us to offer our clients a wide, experienced and comprehensive vision for their projects.
Grow Rooms & Boxes

About Euromex

We have several strategic alliances with companies around the world to ensure the use of state-of-the-art technology and effectively meet customer needs regardless of geographic region, climate or crop product.

We offer a wide range of products that will benefit not only customers in the field of horticultural production, but in the field of agriculture in general, including citrus, veiñedos, etc. We have irrigation systems, automation, cold rooms, balers, selectors, high systems, among many others.
Our mission is to provide services of the highest quality under international standards and guarantee the maximum productivity of our clients.
We offer a comprehensive service that begins with the advice and study of the project that best meets the specific needs of each client, to later assist him in the design, construction, installation, equipment and maintenance thereof.

Our vision is to consolidate the strongest company in our field, strengthening agricultural production in general. We will achieve this by providing the most comprehensive service, the best technology available in the world and the experience and professionalism that our team and allies around the world provide.



Erick Rodriguez Dane...
Founder and CEO
Andrew M. Kluger, J....
Senior Vice President
Sergio M. Alcocer
Vice President Engineering

Hours (PST)

9:00 - 17:00
9:00 - 17:00
9:00 - 17:00
9:00 - 17:00
9:00 - 17:00