EM3 Methodology

EM3 Methodology

My company sells equipment needed to build the MDI (meter dose inhaler)-the unique medication delivery device for the cannabis industry. I install, calibrate the equipment and train how to use it.
Containers / Bottles / Packaging

About EM3 Methodology

EM3 has been researching aerosolized and dry powder cannabinoid delivery to the pulmonary tract of the human body since the summer of 2001. Unlike others found on the internet, we have actually created a method for formulating your API ( active pharmaceutical ingredient ) into a usable formula that will land in the correct part of the deep lung that will ensure immediate transfer into the systemic blood circulation.

We use a NGI ( next generation impactor ) for our particle size classification and a Agilent 1100 HPLC for our chromatography analysis. Our customers get the added benefit of this equipment as we test ALL of our customers products to ensure maximum effectiveness.

Em3 is here to help take all the guess work out of building the Metered Dose Inhaler and Dry Powder Inhalers. Although the MDI & DPI seem very straight forward and easy to build, there are a lot of unseen parameters. If done incorrectly will result in failure of the product or worse.

Em3 offers a simple, turn key package of equipment and supplies, delivery, set-up, training, formulation, that when used properly, will put new products on your shelves in the shortest amount of time.

The aerosol equipment can also be used for other aerosol products besides MDI. It can also make mouth spray, nasal spray, skin spray or just about anything you could think of that is driven by propellant.


Richard Adams