Dr. Michael Rothman M.D. / MD Wellness

Dr. Michael Rothman M.D. / MD Wellness


About Dr. Michael Rothman M.D. / MD Wellness

At MD Wellness, we will not treat your symptoms; instead Michael Rothman MD, who is board certified in both Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine and has over 10 years of experience as a holistic doctor will find the cause of your symptoms via his Metabolically Directed Functional Medicine approach. His individually prescribed holistic treatments will uncover and treat the underlying metabolic abnormalities that are the true source of your problems.

How do we facilitate the journey to long lasting health and well-being? We first have to identify those factors in the patient’s internal environment (dietary practices, genetic predispositions, hormonal imbalances, and metabolic imbalances) and external environment (biotoxin exposure like molds, hidden infections or heavy metals) that are the underlying cause of these existing medical issues. Is the patient consuming foods that are toxic in nature or incompatible with his/her genetic makeup? Is the patient suffering from an immune system imbalance caused by environmental toxins?

Too many doctors and other health care providers merely prescribe symptom relieving medications or other remedies without getting to the root cause of the problem. But at MD Wellness, we will strive to identify what is actually ailing the patient. We then provide natural therapies administered by qualified alternative medicine doctors that are individually designed to balance the body chemistry and promote wellness.

At MD Wellness, our knowledgeable holistic doctor exclusively uses natural, non toxic, medical grade and pharmaceutical grade products and gentle holistic treatments. If you stop and think about it, how can something that is toxic or have “side effects” be “good for you?” If the body chemistry is being disrupted by incompatible internal and external factors, the only sensible solution is to remove those deleterious factors.

We believe that a wholesome diet and a healthy lifestyle are the most important part in improving and restoring health. The next priority is to administer nutritional supplements that are carefully chosen (not to treat symptoms) but to help shift the body back towards a balanced state. The next step would be to employ the use of bio identical hormone replacement (if necessary) to restore hormonal balance. Lastly, prescription medicines (either from a regular pharmacy or a compounding pharmacy) may be utilized.

Holistic Treatments

At MD Wellness, we make every effort to bring back the old-fashioned relationship between Doctor and Patient. Our practice is to spend as much time and effort to bring to you the holistic treatments that you require to achieve long lasting solutions to your medical problems. Each patient is treated like someone special by a highly trained and experienced holistic doctor. There is no overbooking and no waiting. There is no rush to get you in and out. Come on in take a deep breath and relax. MD Wellness is not your typical Doctor’s office.

If you are looking to cover up symptoms with drugs or herbs there are plenty of doctors to provide this type of service. However, if you are looking for a compassionate, caring holistic doctor who can give you back your vibrant, radiant health, come to MD Wellness!

At MD Wellness, our philosophy is in our name, which stands for “Metabolically Directed Wellness.” We believe that all chronic conditions are related to imbalances in the body’s systems. Unfortunately too many well intentioned doctors and healers try to treat the patient’s symptoms without finding what is causing these afflictions in the first place. We believe in “find the cause, fix the cause” as the only rational approach to giving our patients a better quality of life moving forward. To learn more about MD Wellness contact us today by giving us a call at (732) 268-7663 or emailing us at [email protected].


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