Doctor Grow, LLC

Doctor Grow, LLC

We publish books ( and offer consulting on growing ( Our clients are both local and visitors from out-of-state. is our newest venture.
Public Relations

About Doctor Grow, LLC

Here at Doctor Grow, we believe everyone should have access to growing their own food, flowers, and marijuana. It will be less expensive than buying in the stores, and you can choose to grow what you want, rather than settling for what someone else has grown.


There are many advantages to growing your own. If you start with good, organic non-GMO seeds, you will know that you are growing REAL food, not "Franken Food." You can decide what chemicals (or not) you will be adding to your crops.


With the effects of climate change being felt in California and the Midwest, the extreme weather and drought is reducing crop yields and driving prices up. As the climate continues to change, shortages are a real possibility. If that comes to pass, food prices will continue to climb higher and higher. One sure solution to this is to be able to grow your own food. With the right equipment, you can grow your own vegetables and fruits indoors, all year around.


To that end, we are busy engineering and designing indoor grow kits to allow people to grow their own food, flowers and marijuana (where it is allowed by state law) indoors.


Justin Griswell
Victoria Young Maciu...