Doc Greens Clinic

Doc Greens Clinic

Doc Greens Clinic was established in 2010 and today has multiple locations in the southeastern Michigan area. We have the knowledge and experience to help you deal with chronic illnesses. Our approach includes alternative medications, lifestyle modifications, and an understanding of healthy and unhealthy habits.

About Doc Greens Clinic

 We do not have a complicated program or regimen that you are required to follow. We use common sense along with our knowledge and practice experience to achieve beneficial health outcomes. Our team consists of physicians, physician assistants, and professional medical staff.

Our main area of focus is medical cannabis. We have been able to successfully apply and properly dose cannabis for a variety of conditions and symptoms. In many cases, we are able to decrease or eliminate medications that were not effective or caused other side effects. Many patients who deal with pain specifically have been able to free themselves of their dependence on narcotic medications.

We work with your other treating physicians in order to provide a well rounded treatment and therapy plan. We believe that all of your health care providers should be aware of and understand the treatments plans that you are most comfortable with.


Saqib Nakadar


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