Delta 9 Vapes

Delta 9 Vapes

Created with the singular vision of empowering culture with pure plant alternatives. Our devotion to finding all natural solutions keeps us continually innovating in ways that improve the wellness of our customers.

About Delta 9 Vapes

Delta 9 Vapes is the portable vaporizer company responsible for the Omicron, Persei and O-Phos vaporizers. Each one is capable of vaporizing any type of oil or concentrate within seconds.

Mark Adams Is a self-made entrepreneur, scientist, & advocate.

His story with Delta 9, begins on April 20th 2006 when he tried an edible for the first time. The effect was a game changer, Mark had finally found something to help his ailing grandfather who was battling through cancer treatments. 

Based on his doctor's recommendation, he purchased tea for his grandfather and, as a family, they drank it in community. The bonding experience had a lasting effect, for the first time in weeks, his grandfather was actually able to hold down food.

This deep need to utilize a natural solution to alleviate pain from all who need it altered the trajectory of Mark's life.

Two months after his grandfather’s death, he opened up his first non profit store to focus on creating a safe and friendly environment to purchase natural alternatives for well-being.

After years of research, building connections, and studying the benefits of cannabis, Mark has devoted himself to building a company that produces the highest quality cannabis based product.

His focus and that of the Delta 9 brand has always been and will always be providing the best, scientifically backed, products.

No compromise, No exception.