Crisp Farms

Crisp Farms

StarCrisp Farms LLC is a family owned company established by Dave Burns, his two sons and his sister in November of 2013.

About Crisp Farms

The company was formed to take advantage of the new Washington state law legalizing marijuana for recreational use. Dave's interest in marijuana started as a green card patient for the control of Multiple Sclerosis. Cultivating these magnificent plants soon became a hobby as he provided other patients with oils and bud from his garden for their own medical needs. With the opportunity provided by the new state law Dave and his family are pioneering the legal cultivation and processing of marijuana for licensed retail establishments for both medical and recreational use.

Product variety: For 2016 production of premium quality bud is planned. StarCrisp will also be partnering with other processors to offer a variety of concentrate products.

From the Nursery: Our Nursery produced several popular varieties for the  2015 season, including THC Bomb, Purple Paralysis and Cinex, shown in the picture to the left .

​For 2016 StarCrisp purchased a variety of clones to supplement some of our existing varieties. For a full description of these new varieties please see our 2016 page.