ComfyTree Consulting

ComfyTree Consulting

ComfyTree Consulting offers traveling seminars for entrepreneurs as well as private consulting in marketing/advertising, finance, business planning, pitching to investors and more.
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About ComfyTree Consulting


ComfyTree Enterprises aims to become the first national cannabis brand with developed business units in cannabis events, products, services, education, cultivation, & extractions.


ComfyTree Lending has developed a proprietary algorithm that allows us to take into consideration more than just your credit score. We access you as an individual and your business's history as it is in real life, not on paper. The site and interface is completely custom built by ComfyTree developers.

ComfyTree plans to funnel more of our customers to ComfyTree Lending as their projects launch and they become qualified and in need of more funding to take their business to the next level. The relationship with the customer is developed early and continuously nurtured.

There's a reason you're reading this business plan on a web page and not a powerpoint. ComfyTree does things differently. Always because it's better, sometimes because we like to stand out. We are so confident in our ability to fulfill the needs of our target audience that we view our competitors more as partners available to create mutually beneficial relationships (regardless if they feel the same way).



Funding to enable ComfyTree to capture market share, hire the best talent, and deliver product innovation during the early stages of the cannabis movement. Working capital is necessary to continue the current momentum as ComfyTree has been 100% funding by the founders since the inception of the enterprise.

You won’t find another cannabis company that delivers on brand messaging and products that all work congruently to keep consumers purchasing products and services in our portfolio over and over again. Our company culture allows us to attract top talent. Our corporate training with brands like Tide, Bounty, Whirlpool, Kitchen Aid, Jack Daniels, Southern Comfort, and Amazon demonstrates to our investors that we understand each phase of the business supply chain.

With deal flow increasing in the cannabis industry by over 400% between 2015 – 2016, you should seriously consider getting comfy with your financial investments and invest in ComfyTree Enterprises. Our blueprint will walk you through our business plan from beginning to end. You won’t be able to take it all in in one setting so please utilize the index and section headers to teleport to each section of the business plan.

ComfyTree has built a one-of-a-kind online virtual training platform designed specifically for cannabis entrepreneurs.

ComfyTree strives to be a leader in the cannabis industry as well as a major, respected and recognized brand in cannabis businesses and circles. We will educate and connect future cannabis business owners, employees, and curious minds together in a community of like-minded people. ComfyTree comes at cannabis from all sides.

ComfyTree's values are reflected in our brand identity and how we run our business on every level. We perform our work with integrity, courage, and honesty. We hope to set an example for the industry.

We believe cannabis will change the lives of millions of people around the world. We see a future where everyone's relationship with the plant is based on truth, and the full potential of cannabis is unleashed.