Clean Green Certified

Clean Green Certified

Clean Green is the only nationally recognized third-party cannabis certification program.
Cultivation Equipment

About Clean Green Certified

Clean Green Certified is the number one certifier nation-wide for cannabis cultivated using sustainable, natural and organically based practices. Legally, marijuana cannot be called organic — no matter how environmentally friendly the cultivation practices used to grow it — because the term is federally regulated and the USDA does not recognize cannabis as a legitimate agricultural crop. The Clean Green Certified program was created in 2004 as a way to regulate legal cannabis-products that called themselves “organic.” Consumers can rest assured when they buy a Clean Green Certified cannabis product that it has met all of the requirements of the rigorous program.


Features Clean Green Certified

Clean Green Certified farms and outlets care about the planet

Sustainability is what being a Clean Green farmer or outlet is all about. Cannabis cultivation has been on the radar lately for being particularly harmful to the environment.

Clean Green cannabis farmers do their part to change these perceptions and have a more positive impact. Program requirements include having a legal source of water, having runoff protection barriers to reduce harmful nitrogen-rich nutrient runoff into neighboring streams and creeks, and using natural pesticide control methods.

Clean Green Certified farms and outlets care about their consumers

Clean Green cannabis farms and outlets have voluntarily gone through the most rigorous nationally recognized cannabis certification program today. Clean Green cannabis is monitored for harmful residue.

Outlets are certified to have proper handling methods similar to those used in the standard agricultural and food processing industries. Only a Clean Green Certified outlet is licensed to handle Clean Green products.

Clean Green Certified is anchored in legal compliance.

To be part of the Clean Green Certification program, cannabis farmers and processor/handlers are compliant with their state requirements. Clean Green Certified can help both farmers and processing/handling facilities with their compliance matters. Currently, we can provide legal services in the state of California. Any information that is given to us during the certification process is used solely for determining compliance with the Clean Green program.

Clean Green is widely recognized as being a reputable certification program.

Check out Clean Green Certified in The Los Angeles Times, The San Francisco Chronicle, Mother Jones, National Geographic, The Denver Post, Marijuana Venture, Dope Magazine, Pro-Biotics Magazine, and many other national publications…