

International Cannabis Consultant and Medical Marijuana Patient Advocate since 1977, now residing in Germany and assisting companies business development efforts and forging strategic partnerships.

About Cenedella.de

Over the last 4 decades I have been involved in the fight for patient rights in America, and now here in Germany.  During my career I have served as a Board of Director for the World Trade Center San Diego and as a Lead Consultant for Deutsche Telekom's Executive Board.  I was a Co-Founder of the San Diego Software Council and the Dayton Human Trafficking Accords, and Director of LawInfo's Lead Council Program.  

Previously I was a C-Level Business Development Executive in the technology sector, but also involved with the cannabis industry since 1977.    More recently I have been fulltime in the legal medical marijuana industry here in Europe, helping international companies navigate the biggest potential market in the world.  

This website is light on details due to confidentiality issues with clients but be rest assured I am knowledgeable, professional and with street cred in the industry that can immediately assist your growth in some way.

Features Cenedella.de

Sales and Business Development Assist with Strategic Direction  Professionally represent your firm
Special Projects management Licensing and compliance Sales and Distribution networks Qualify potential partners
Craft Cannabis Cultivation in legal markets


Philip J. Cenedella...