CBD Training Academy

CBD Training Academy

The Cannabidol Industry is forecast to Grow 700% by 2020 – Forbes

About CBD Training Academy

In CBD Training Academy programs, you will learn everything you need to know about CBD, including the medical science, clinical studies, dosing, methods of administration, finance, marketing, business development, regulations, strategy and so much more.

 When it comes to CBD, everyone has a story.  Each of our cofounders had their own struggle with traditional medicine and the treatment of pain, anxiety, cancer and seizures.  When it is you or your family, things get personal.  After meeting with doctors and nurses and natural healers, it was evident that there is a huge knowledge gap between all of the CBD products on the market and those that need it most.  This is how CBD Coaches was born, out of this need.  And the need is getting greater every day as CBD moves from the early adopter phase to the mainstream phase.  There are over 75 million Baby Boomers that will likely find their way to CBD and it is our goal to help them start their CBD journey with one of our trained coaches to optimize their use of CBD.



Participation in events

Hours (PST)

8:00 - 18:00
8:00 - 18:00
8:00 - 18:00

Closed now

8:00 - 18:00
8:00 - 18:00