CBD Botanics

CBD Botanics

Seed Banks

About CBD Botanics

We are proud to present to you CBD Botanic's seed collection. Each seed has been carefully selected from plants that have been properly cultivated and nurtured.

 At CBD Botanic, our seeds only come from cannabis plants rich in CBD. We have also chosen seeds from plant varieties where the mix of other canabanoids actively contribute to good health and the allevation of pain.

 Unlike other seed banks, here at CBD Botanic, we have elected to focus on a small, highly specialised collection in order to ensure seeds of the highest quality and those that promote the very best health results for our clients.

 At CBD botanic we value information and learning. Please explore each seed individually to learn about is particular characteristics, the concentration of cannabinoids and terpenoids, tips on the type of cultivation each requires, how it flowers and any particular medical benefits.