Cape Fear Comfort

Cape Fear Comfort

Cape Fear Comfort is a manufacturer of grow boxes and turnkey farms.

About Cape Fear Comfort

Myrtle Magic LLC is the South Carolina Company we formed to lobby for the decriminalization of Cannabis in the state. The Business is poised to take advantage of the Legalization of Medical Cannabis, whenever that occurs. Two of the South Carolina Managing Members are, nurses with and equity stake in the company. Myrtle Magic LLC also consults on related subjects including indoor farming, indoor farm engineering and design.

We support our efforts through the sale of CBD products at generously discounted prices.
Our website will be operated as a source of information and educational material for anyone interested in the facts and research being done to enlighten on the use and benefits of CBD.

In keeping with our mission to improve the lives of people we serve, we will strive to offer the latest news and info and to offer products at deeply discounted prices. Our product mix is driven by demand and we are open to expanding it on request. Our goal is to offer what people want at the best prices available anywhere. Our commitment to quality can be found in our selection of suppliers. We will not buy from mass markers or resellers. We buy only from the highest rated U.S. producers.

Check out our offerings and feel free to contact us for information or to place orders.

Through Cape Fear Comfort LLC in NC we sell indoor farm equipment including our "Jack Pot Grow Boxes". From grow boxes to Turn-Key farm systems we offer quite a selection of interesting items. Myrtle Magic LLC is the only authorized distributor of Cape Fear Comfort's products.

Cape Fear Comfort LLC is, technically, a manufacturer of farm equipment. We manufacture hydroponic boxes and tanks for indoor agriculture. The core of our designs is the Turn-Key farm based on a standard 20 foot industrial shipping container. The farm can be placed anywhere there is power and water. They are otherwise self sustaining and self regulating as to environment and climate. We are seeking to develop a solar power option and to develop decorative boxes that along with their function as grow machines serve as artistic center pieces, part of the décor, wherever they are placed.

Our offerings are built to order and require input in the design stage from clients. What we want to do is to build new models and to have the ability to demonstrate the products and to display them to the public in order to generate more sales. These will be based on a standard design and can more easily be mass produced.
The new offerings will be a departure from the Cannabis oriented products we offer. This marketing and sales campaign will place us in the food production category and we will be pursuing buyers based on producing food for human consumption.
The intent is to develop a line of products that depart from the industrial looking equipment available anywhere and that become decorator accents and center pieces demonstrating our users commitment to sustainable food production and are interesting, visually pleasing and are real image/brand boosters for our clients.
We have always thought that stainless steel was a pretty good medium for our boxes because they would last a century and be easy to clean and non corrosive/toxic. Since our target use is permanent, long term use in a fixed location, cost was not our primary concern.

It seems a lot more productive, proactive, efficient and engaging to have one of our boxes producing foodstuffs, as opposed to having a huge, expensive aquarium, inanimate art or other such piece, as a focal point in prestigious locations in businesses and residences. We offer an alternative where there is a genuine interest in sustainability, quality and in taking control of the foods we consume. We also envision a Public Image/Marketing bonus for our clients if for nothing more than the ability to say "We grow our own."


Robin Pejsa
Founding Member