Our goal is to provide consistent high quality products and services for Retailers and Cultivators in the Cannabis Industry.

About operates as a dba of Lucky Heart a California Limit Liability Corporation. We are advocates for full Industrial, Domestic, Adult Use and Medical Legalization of the Cannabis and Industrial Hemp markets throughout the world. At Cannabis Buyer we believe Cannabis and Hemp has an infinite number of Industrial, Recreational, and Medical uses. The scope and magnitude of the use of Hemp and Cannabis products is multiplying rapidly as many people become more educated about these incredible plants. Hemp and Cannabis are truly amazing plants with the potential to help “green up” many industries. The benefits are endless and we believe these plants are a universal gift to humanity.

We are here to serve the Hemp/Cannabis Community in any way we can. If you are a Retailer, Manufacturer/Processor, or a Grower/Cultivator – we are here to help you. We provide consistent high quality products and services.

Dear Cannabis Wholesale Customer, As you probably already know, there are limitations on how we can sell and deliver Cannabis products. Cannabis transactions are limited to verified California licensee to licensee transactions. Your personal agent will guide you through the process.

Dear Hemp Wholesale Customer, as you know our industry is challenged with lack of government support and industry standards. Here at CannabisBuyer, it’s our mission to support our industry not only in its growth, but to create a thriving organized marketplace of honest, trackable, vetted buyers and sellers.


Clark Metcalfe


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