Cannabis Conservancy Group

Cannabis Conservancy Group

The Cannabis Conservancy™ provides Sustainability Certification to legal Cannabis organizations that adhere to Good Agricultural Practices, are free of harmful chemical inputs, utilize waste reduction methods, are energy efficient, and conserve water.

About Cannabis Conservancy Group

Our organization is backed by a rigorous Quality Management System (QMS). Our Standards can be applied to any type of grow – indoor to sun grown; individual to grower groups; small to large; and everything in between. We assess your operation based on our Standards’ core pillars: policy and implementation, land and infrastructure, cultivation, water, waste, energy, harvesting and processing. Our team of qualified sustainability experts understand that this is a long-term commitment of gradual improvement and have therefore based our Standards on a pragmatic approach that incorporates and appreciates the uniqueness of each individual’s practices. Through our processes we also work to preserve the historic, cultural, and genetic heritage of Cannabis. We guide growers towards compliance and provide support in achieving sustainability and resiliency in the marketplace. We elevate the industry as we take the journey toward sustainability together. Our goal is to make the Cannabis industry the most sustainable industry on the planet. Our mission is to empower and assure that the regulated Cannabis industry achieves environmental, economic, and social sustainability.

Participation in events

  • 451 E 58th Ave, Denver, CO 80216, USA