Beacontron Hydroponics

Beacontron Hydroponics

Beacontron provides a wide range  products from premier suppliers at value pricing.  Products include complete indoor grow room packages, grow tents, horticultural lighting, hydroponics systems and components, testing instruments, ventilation and environmental controllers, nutrients and organic fertilizers, gardening tools and accessories.
Cultivation Equipment

About Beacontron Hydroponics

Our generation has both a tremendous opportunity and a tremendous obligation.

Major advances in core technologies and productive capabilities related to the practical implementation of Renewable Energy sources present us with the opportunity to radically shift our global dependencies on traditional hydrocarbons, and help prevent the dire socio-environmental consequences of continued reliance on those traditional sources.

These advances, coupled with widespread incentive programs and the rising cost of traditional energy sources have brought us to the point where the implementation of renewable energy systems can now make pure economic and financial sense at both the individual and industrial levels, regardless of the obvious environmental rewards.

Beacontron's mission is to ensure that these resulting opportunities are presented and delivered to the mainstream residential and industrial marketplaces through the implementation of fundamental principles of business excellence, value and service.
