Baked Baker’s Box

Baked Baker’s Box

We offer a monthly edibles baking kit which doesn’t include cannabis. So you can sell your flower alongside so customers can make their own edibles at home. Especially good in jurisdictions with edibles restrictions or bans.
Marijuana Infused Products

About Baked Baker’s Box

The Green Grass Kitchen was dreamed up by a couple in Vancouver, Canada, who fuse their food with green and are really, really in to it. 

He is the culinary whizkid who has been dabbling in the aquarian-age edible movement since that really excellent party at Matty’s in the 90s, and she is a righteous taste tester who makes all the other stuff happen. 

Together, they curate easy delicious cannabis recipes that are pre-measured, packed up, and sent to you once a month (with some other neat stuff because surprises are fun!)

Once in your capable hands, the Green Grass Kitchen kit translates in to masterfully-infused marijuana edibles with modern, wholesome ingredients that balance and heighten the experience of eating cannabis.

Green Grass Kitchen's content focuses on education, wellness and empowering yourself through DIY skills. Our monthly recipes and kits include a variety of homemade edibles from baked goodies and chilled pressed bars to warming drinks and cooked savorys.

And don’t even worry if this is totally new. This isn’t going to be like that time your friend's uncle went cross-eyed and fell off the deck after he ate a green brownie. 

This is going to be the kind of edible you’d happily eat even if it didn’t have cannabis in it. This is edible cannabis, elevated.  
